Thursday, December 20, 2018

I am still learning...

 I am trying to wrap up what life taught me in 2018. 

Here is my list of a few things I learned:

Do not let age be a factor in love and friendship.

Bifocals suck.

That laughter is possible, even though I usually employ a SST (Smile Suppression Technique).
 I really do not like my smile.

I really do enjoy music. I had, over the years, forgotten to let it speak to me, to my soul, and how it reflects my moods.

What a narcissist truly is and how it will be in a relationship no matter what.

That I don't have to set myself on fire just to keep you warm. I am learning that I am not responsible for holding everything together, even though it may be in my nature to try to do so.

That I can't fix everything, nor do I know how or have all of the answers. I do however have some life experiences, a good listening ear, and advice if asked.

I prefer local restaurants over chains.

That I am human, and I'm going to experience pain and loss and frustration. I will also experience the opposite.

That good people still exist on this planet, but so do evil ones. Its often hard to tell the difference until it is too late.

That when I was young, Time was an ally and stood by me.  Now that I am getting older it is more of a Foe. Our relationship is turning adversarial. I am acutely aware of my mortality.

There are things in our society that needs to be fixed. Healthcare. Veterans. Homelessness.  Justice Systems. Status quo on these things irregardless of political persuasion is not good.

People will use you. I already knew this. But good people will invest time and effort in you and your relationship. Do not take that for granted.

My thoughts on God and religion are ever present.

It is exhausting trying to be everything to everyone. Working around egos and feelings and expectations.  I'm going to do less of that next year...

Oh wait.... I guess my next blog entry will be about resolutions.  Hopefully I can remember to do it and remember my sign in.  ~npp (the original nonprofitprophet from 2007)

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